The USMC’s Working Capital Fund (WCF) component is undergoing a major migration from its legacy general ledger to Navy ERP, and implementation of this migration at Logistics Command (LOGCOM) WCF posed unanticipated complexity, leading to a backlog in accounting General Ledger variances. Contractor shall provide support to improve U.S Standard General Ledger (USSGL) management, ensure compliance with accounting standards, meet high audit standards, and improve internal controls.
The DON’s auditor documented deficiencies with the DON’s Funds Balance with Treasury (FBwT) reconciliation process and controls. The DON and its service provider, Defense Finance Accounting Service (DFAS), must ensure these deficiencies are rectified. The USMC’s transition to the DAI ERP has increased stakeholder complexity when addressing any such issues because it introduced new data, systems, and stakeholders that require coordination. In particular, milestones include funding a solution for multi-funded contracts with outdated payment instructions, processes and procedures for timely recording and support for transactions, remediation of material unsupported journal vouchers (JVs), audit required white papers describing reconciling items, and improvements in the FBwT reconciliation process and toolset. Contractor advisory services, coordination, and technical assistance is required to coordinate these efforts among DON and DFAS stakeholders and aligning the strategy to upcoming Audit Roadmap milestones.
Functional Responsibility: Independently apply advanced technical expertise and skills to implement business solutions. Level IIIs provide direction to project teams and interact with FM&C and Government clients at the Branch and Division Head Level.
Pay: $80,000 - $180,000 USD